Cornelius is now a man he is 25 years old he is now independent and is already married. I am happy because soon I will become a grandfather I am excited to know if its going to be a boy or a girl. He has a job and he works very hard to provide to his wife and soon to be newborn. He still leaving with me, but since he has a job he helps me out with payments and what not. Cornelius became a systematically problem solver meaning that he uses logic so solve any problem that he encounters. Every day we still talk about the things that are happening in our day. He surprises me at times because he thinks very logically anything he says sounds very sophisticated. Thinking logically is a good attribute that makes him smart he sees things in a different way. Since i'm older i should be the wise one, but he is so smart that sometimes he knows more things about a topic that I do. He will be a great father and he will raise or at least try to raise his child the way I raised him so that one day his son will be a good person and satisfy his father the way Cornelius has satisfy me and surpass my expectations of him. This will be my last blog as of now I will take care of my grandchild and let my son raise his child and help him become a good person. I hope that everything goes well, and hopefully ill get to live and see my grandchild's children. 
Cornelius is 12 years old he has gotten tall and he is smarter that ever now. He became a calm kid and he is finally in the stage of adolescence. Adolescent means that my kid has stop being a kid and soon he will become a young adult. My kid eats breakfast, lunch and dinner, but he also has snacks in between each meal. He eats anything from chicken, vegetables, meat, and his favorite food sea food. Cornelius is super calm now he plays soccer and everything but now he just does his homework then goes to play video games for an hour or so. One activity that he likes to do is listen to music and solve mathematical equations. Everyday we do the same things he goes to school and I wait for him to come back to school. When he comes back I make him his lunch after he eats then he does his homework abstract thinking really helps him with his math. Abstract thinking is a way that children use to solve systematical problems. When my son is faced with a problem he uses what I call hypothetic deductive reasoning which helps him come up with general theory of all possible factors that might affect the outcome and deduce from it specific hypothesis to see which ones do in fact occur in the real word. He now is more logical meaning that he is asking why things are what they are and for everything he asks "why" certain things happen. Some activities that i do with my son i take him to his soccer practice, and at night i listen to music to him before he goes to sleep. He is old enough that I don't leave him with a baby sitter I am always with him he never leaves my sight unless when he goes to play with his friends outside. He amazes me because he is now propositional meaning that he can now focus on verbal assertions and evaluate their logical validity without making to real world circumstances. For instance yesterday he was telling me his day and i was surprise on the way he was talking so mature and assertive. I am so proud of my kid he amazes me everyday and as I always say I love him and he is the best thing that has ever happen to me. 

My kid just became 11 years old he is so independent now. I cannot believe that time has passed so fast and kid is already grown. He has become smarter he is in 8th grade and he is taking good classes that stimuli his mind. I am very proud of him for coming this far, but there's still a long road ahead. He eats a lot maybe because he plays soccer so he is always outside with his soccer ball. He still eats chicken with vegetables and water. He also eats healthy once in a while I will take him to eat some fast food, I don't let him eat a lot of junk food but sometimes he gets away with it. Cornelius is very energetic he is always doing something if its not running around the house it playing soccer with his friends. Since he is older he now knows what conserve is which is the knowledge of knowing that objects are not always the way that they appear. He used to use the spoon to cut his meat but now he knows that i knife is the object you need to cut meat. We still have the same scheduled he goes to school and when he comes back I tell him to do his homework and after he does his homework I take him outside to practice his soccer skill. I always stay with him maybe that's why he is so  attached to me and not other people. Cornelius has always something to say to me he is always telling me how his day was at school and how he is meeting new people every day. He talks so much but i know that talking is a good exercise for him because when he gets older he won't be afraid to socialize with other peole and make friends. Something that I call reversibility is a new skill my son obtain when he was 9 at that age he knew that different sizes didn't mean different volume and since learning that he has done pretty well in his math class. Every day is a new adventure with my son I am so proud to be his father and I love him so much.